Rice diet for weight loss and detoxification

The rice diet is quite a harsh method that is effectively used not only for weight loss, but also for the treatment of certain diseases. The rice technique was developed in 1939 to combat diseases such as obesity, impaired kidney function, high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. In the diet, the intake of sugar and salt is limited, which quickly reduces subcutaneous fat. According to reviews from people who lose weight on a rice diet within a month, it is easy to lose up to 14 kilograms.

Slimming rice

The benefits of a rice diet for the body

Women and men of all ages can lose weight with a rice diet. Because the benefits of rice have long been known to people thanks to its rich composition: 80% are complex carbohydrates and 8% are protein compounds (the most important amino acids for the human body). Rice is gluten-free, a vegetable protein that causes allergies, and the fiber content in cereals is very low, only 3%, so this product is great for losing weight.

Rice is a source of B vitamins that are important for the nervous system. Lecithin, which is part of it, stimulates the activity of the brain. When it comes to weight loss, rice absorbs and drains water from the body, which speeds up metabolism and helps in the fight against excessive fat deposits.

Benefits of a rice diet:

  1. The low calorie content ensures a quick and long-lasting feeling of satiety, making dietary restrictions easy to tolerate.
  2. The fiber structure of the grain is able to absorb and remove not only water but also toxins. This allows for effective colon cleansing without the use of an enema.
  3. The presence of minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, selenium, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium has a positive effect on the function of all organs and systems.

Rice Diet Principles

Modern methods of losing weight use a nutritional scheme - only low-calorie foods are consumed for a certain period of time. Due to the lack of calories, the body is forced to take energy from reserves, which leads to a decrease in the layers of fat, that is, the expected effect. Rice fully meets the requirements of dietary nutrition because it is low in calories and large in volume.

At the same time, however, it has another very important property: after soaking, the grain acquires a porous structure and, over the years, sucks the accumulated toxins, slags and salts from the organs. However, if the rice mono diet is taken for a longer period of time, useful trace elements leave the body, so nutritionists insist on fasting with rice not too long. During your rice diet, drink at least 2 liters of purified water or another liquid every day. Table mineral water (without gas), herbal decoctions and teas, natural juices are also suitable.

Rice diet for 3 days

A simple but effective rice diet - three days. It is divided into two options - rigid and simplified. Prepare rice in advance for the first express diet: rinse off a glass of muesli, fill up with 2 glasses of cold drinking water, leave to steep overnight. In the morning, the porridge obtained in this way should be divided into 4-5 meals and eaten without salt, pepper and other spices and washed down with orange, apple or tomato juice all day. The first method is good when you need to lose weight quickly for vacation.

With the second method, on the other hand, cook the same amount of white rice, but not longer than 10 minutes, and then let it rest under the lid for another 15 minutes. It is not necessary to fill it with water beforehand. Simplified rice diet menu (servings no more than 150 grams):

1 day

  • Breakfast - eat a serving of rice and an apple.
  • Lunch - rice with vegetable oil and herbs, carrot salad.
  • Dinner - rice, boiled beets, seasoned with olive oil.

2 day

  • Breakfast - rice with low-fat sour cream and herbs, a grapefruit.
  • Lunch - rice with cucumber salad and steamed mushrooms.
  • Dinner - rice and steamed vegetables of your choice.

Day 3

  • Breakfast - rice with orange and cinnamon.
  • Lunch - rice with vegetable oil and vegetable broth.
  • Dinner - rice with boiled broccoli.

Rice diet for 7 days

Knowing what type of rice to eat in your diet will help you achieve maximum weight loss results. Round grain is not suitable for dieting because it contains a lot of starch and is highly refined, as a result of which it loses a lot of useful substances. Either brown rice or white, steamed long grain rice is used for the rice diet. These products do not undergo multi-stage cleaning and therefore contain much more nutrients. You already know how to cook rice for a diet, so let's turn to the rice diet menu for 7 days (the composition of one serving of rice is 100 g).

Menu for the week

  1. Morning - boiled rice, rye toast, green apple. Day - vegetable broth, rice with herbs, 100 g of boiled chicken. Evening - rice, any steamed vegetables in equal quantities, 200 g natural yogurt with honey or fruit.
  2. Morning - rice, half a hard-boiled egg, grapefruit. Afternoon - fish soup, half lentils with rice. Evening - an omelette cooked in the oven, a glass of low-fat kefir.
  3. Morning - boiled rice with raisins, rye toast, banana. Afternoon - mushroom soup, rice, 100 g of grilled chicken breast. Evening - 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese or curd mass, cauliflower salad.
  4. Morning - boiled rice, pear. Afternoon - fish soup, rice, cooked with peas and herbs. Evening - 100 g of lean veal, rice, 250 ml of kefir.
  5. Morning - rice with honey, 2 green apples. Day - steamed fish, rice, rye toast, vegetable salad. Evening - boiled rice with vegetables, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  6. Morning - mixed fruit, homemade yogurt. Day - 100 g of chicken fillet, rice. Evening - green peas, rice, a glass of kefir.
  7. Morning - boiled rice, rye toast, banana. Afternoon - chicken broth, rice with herbs. Evening - steamed fish, seaweed.

Rice diet for 2 weeks

For those who have not lost as many kilograms as they would like in a week, it is allowed to sit on the same diet menu for another week. But, to get the desired effect, do not forget about the rules of nutrition:

  1. Heat treatment. During a rice diet, foods should be steamed, boiled, or cooked in the oven. For stewing, sesame, linseed, olive or sunflower oil can be used in an amount of 50 g of the products 1 teaspoon. Meat can be grilled, but without the addition of oil.
  2. Salt. A long rice diet requires a salt-free menu, but may use hot herbs: dill, rosemary, thyme, fresh or dry.
  3. Vitamins and minerals. During the two-week rice diet, it is recommended to take a vitamin complex with large amounts of potassium and calcium. It is these minerals that rice removes from the body.
  4. Menu items. If they are seasonal vegetables, they are allowed to substitute for food during the rice diet. However, you need to constantly calculate kcal according to the calorie table.

Rice diet "5 volumes"

This unloading ice diet was so named because rice is prepared for it in 5 containers at the same time. To do this, take 5 200 ml glasses, fill up with washed rice (2 tablespoons each) and fill up with drinking water. Change the water in the glasses daily so that it swells up to a boil. Start the diet on the fifth day.

For this purpose, the contents of the first glass are consumed on an empty stomach, without adding spices and without drinking water. Put 2 tbsp again in the cleared glass. l. Rice and fill it up with drinking water and change the water in the remaining containers. This scheme is followed from 7 to 14 days, and doctors do not recommend following the rice diet for an extended period of time. While doing this diet, keep the following rules in mind:

  • exclude fatty and spicy foods;
  • Eat rice 2 hours before meals;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • limit yourself to sweet foods;
  • Drink at least 1. 5 liters of fluids a day.

Rice Diet Options for Cleansing and Slimming

It's not just multi-day rice diets that are effective. It is easy to cleanse the body with the help of one fasting day per week, when all you need to do is eat lightly cooked or soaked raw rice and drink other water. Nutritionists recommend losing weight and cleansing the body of toxins by eating rice and other products, on the basis of which popular diets are created: kefir, apples, buckwheat. Let's take a look at different ways to clean up diets.

Kefir Rice Diet

The combination of products such as kefir and rice is beneficial for the body, but that does not mean that other foods are prohibited during the kefir rice diet. Only salt, sugar, coffee are completely excluded and the rest of the products are acceptable. There are two options for a rice diet with kefir. Sitting on a strict diet for more than 5 days is not recommended, and it is allowed to lose weight on a soft diet for up to 14 days.

A strict variant of the kefir-rice diet provides only kefir and rice for breakfast, rice and vegetable salad for lunch and rice and kefir again for dinner. Approximate Soft Diet Rice Diet Menu:

  • Breakfast - kefir, apple / pear / strawberry / grapefruit (optional).
  • Lunch - 100 g cooked lean meat / fish / seafood, a slice of rye bread, 100 g congee.
  • Dinner - rice porridge (100 g), salad.
  • Before bed - kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

Rice and Apple Diet

The rice and apple weight loss system was developed by the English nutritionist D. Kempner. The essence is that the diet consists only of green apples and rice for 3-5 days. Sugar, salt and spices must not be used. It is allowed to add milk to congee. The daily menu of the rice and apple diet is:

  • rice porridge from 1 cup of muesli, which must be consumed in several stages;
  • 250 grams of green apples, which can be eaten raw as well as in compote or dried fruit.

Diet with buckwheat rice

This common diet is also designed for emergency weight loss in 3-5 days so you don't have to wonder which diet is better, rice or buckwheat. The buckwheat rice diet is popular for its simplicity and cheapness, but doctors recommend choosing grain weight loss at the end or beginning of long-term weight loss to "shake up" the body to combat stubborn pounds. There are several options for this diet, but we will consider a balanced buckwheat and rice menu.

  • Breakfast - two green apples.
  • Lunch - boiled buckwheat (4 tablespoons) with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon).
  • Lunch - rice porridge (5 tablespoons) with chopped nuts and lemon juice.
  • Afternoon snack - vegetable salad. Dinner: rice porridge (3 tablespoons), chicken breast or steamed lean river fish (100 g), cottage cheese with chopped nuts (100 g).

Rice and Honey Diet

This slimming option combines the beneficial properties of rice and honey. Honey is useful in diet as it is an antidepressant and is rich in minerals and vitamins. It relaxes the intestines, so it is an excellent choice for those who have bowel problems (constipation, diarrhea). Only honey should be bought naturally, with no impurities, preservatives or pasteurization. An important part of the rice and honey diet is lemon, the juice of which is combined with honey to make a honey and lemon drink useful for burning fat. Weekly rice and honey diet menu:

  1. For a day you need a pound of congee, which should be eaten in 5 receptions.
  2. Drink 250 ml lemon and honey drink 3 times a day, which is prepared as follows: Dissolve honey and lemon juice in equal parts (1 teaspoon) in a glass of warm water.

Rice diet with chicken and vegetables for 9 days

The most balanced rice diet is with vegetables and chicken. It allows a person not to starve to death during the day and saturate the body with the necessary elements. With such a diet, you should eat fractionated and often so that the break between meals is 2-2, 5 hours. The last time you have to eat is by 7pm. This rice diet is followed for 9 days, after which you will regain a state of comfort and ease.

  • The first three days >- Rice, which requires you to eat congee cooked from a glass of cereal.
  • The next three days are Chicken Days where they eat 1 kg of cooked chicken meat without fat or skin.
  • You should only eat vegetables for the remaining three days. Buy 800 g of various vegetables and eat them in any form (except pickled or salted).

Geisha Diet on Brown Rice and Green Tea

Representatives of Japanese geishas look positive against the background of other women. They keep their slim figure and ideal shape into old age thanks to a diet based on brown rice and green tea. We immediately realize that such a diet is a severe test to the body, beyond the power of many.

A food restriction is adopted for all foods except rice and tea, including salt and sugar. If you are interested in whether soy sauce is possible, Japanese geishas refuse. The diet is simple and lasts 3 to 7 days depending on your strength and willpower. Japanese Geisha Rice Diet Menu:

  • Morning - half a liter of green tea with a small amount of low-fat milk.
  • Day - 250 g of boiled brown rice, 500 ml of green tea.
  • Evening - the same diet as for lunch.

Contraindications to the rice diet

The rice diet is good for many people, but not for everyone. Although cooked rice is well absorbed by the body, it is a heavy product for a weak stomach. Before you lose weight with a rice diet, you should definitely consult your doctor. Large doses of rice should not be consumed by people with the following indicators:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Kidney failure;
  • pathology of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • suffered from colds;
  • Pregnancy and breast feeding period.

Diet exit rules

In order not to start gaining weight right after the diet, there are a few rules that you should know to follow after a restricted diet:

  1. Do not include new foods in your menu straight away, but increase their amount gradually every day.
  2. For the body, choose healthy foods with a minimum of salt and sugar. Enter meat and dairy products last.
  3. Get in the habit of limiting yourself to starchy, fatty, fried foods.
  4. Keep drinking large amounts throughout the diet to help maintain a proper metabolism.

Nutritional advice for a diet

Nutritionists believe that during a rice diet, the body becomes cleansed and gradually burns off excess fat. But in order to maintain the results achieved and maintain a good figure, dieting is not enough. Do a lot of exercise with her: fitness classes, dancing or aerobics help keep the body in shape and fill it with additional energy.

Studies have shown that a strict mono diet of more than 2 days is not advisable to avoid dizziness or fainting; the stress hormone cortisol, which lowers the endurance of the body, is not produced. It is advisable to take an additional 2 mg of fish oil in capsules daily to replenish the supply of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, mineral and vitamin complexes for potassium absorption and maintenance of the sodium balance in the cells.

Reviews and results from those who have lost weight

Girl, 19 years old: "Anyone who has lost weight on a rice diet knows how difficult it is to refuse to eat. Rice diet is effective and simple: brown rice with husk and water, so it is mentally difficult to endure. So I thought of adding an orange to the menu to lift my spirits and everything went easier. And above all, I was able to stick to a rigid menu for a whole week and easily part with four kilos. "

Girl, 22 years old: "I am always dissatisfied with my weight, but recently I was wondering how much can you lose on a rice diet? I want to note the effectiveness of such a menu for weight loss, but you just need to cook brown or red rice, otherwise there will be no effect. The last time I followed a 9 day rice menu with chicken and vegetables, I lost 10 kg in seven days.

Woman, 37 years old: "Rice diet helps shed extra pounds, but it has one drawback - she really wants to eat. I could barely get by on a three-day diet of unpolished rice and water, and then I couldn't continue. True, she lost a kilogram a day. In order to weigh even less, in a month I will try a light diet with rice.